Monday, August 17, 2009

Crossword puzzle?

1. large tree located in northen california. has 8 words in it.

2.__ is a severe weather distrubance third letter is an n and it has 6 words in it.

6. air pollution problem for cities of California. has four words in it first letter is an s.

8. is a major industry in Oregon and Washington. has 8 letters in it. first letter is a f third letter is a r

9. is a valuable resource in California has five letters second letter is an a fourth letter is an e

11.are vary large tree in Kings Canyon National Park. has 7 letters first letter is an s and the fifth letter is an o

16. the__industrial is big in southern california has 5 letters in it

17. The__Desert is located in Southern California. has 6 letters in it.

18. Computer__ are built in the Silicon Valley of California. Has 5 letters

5. The protection of the__ is a concern of the state governement of the Pacific coast. Has 11 letters. the ninth letter is an e


Crossword puzzle?best antivirus software

1. redwoods?

2. el nino

6. smog

8. forestry?

9. water?

11. sequoia?


17. mojave?

18. chips?

5. environment?

It's tough to say on these, multiple answers are possible, would help to see how they cross with other words in the grid - more letters would help, in other words...

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