Friday, August 21, 2009

Only browser stops working after strange events?

I have five computers on my local network.

- Vista

- XP Home

- XP Home (2)

- iMac G5, Leopard

- iMac 2.0 (Intel) Leopard

I have Embarq High Speed DSL (5.0), and use the provided modem.

Modems firmware appears to be ZyXEL, and is up to date by my research, but I could be wrong.

I use a Belkin WIRELESS router, and run my network with no security or protection feature--- I live in a more country area and see no need for this.

Heres the issue:

When I do strange events such as play Warcraft III and connect to through Warcraft, all computers on my network lose the ability to search the WWW, but retain the ability to instant message, and other non-browser related tasks. Once I exit warcraft, the problem continues until I restart my router and modem.

I use the iMac running Leopard as my primary computer. All computers on the network are effected equally--- restarting the computer(s) does not help.

Any help is appreciated, thanks in advance.

Only browser stops working after strange events?free antivirus

Next time it happens, connect to (that's If it works, you have a DNS problem. Make sure that your router is getting the proper DNS address from the modem. (Check with Embarq tech support.)

Or connect one computer directly to the modem and see if it still happens. If it does, it's Embarq's problem. If not, get a better router (d-Link or Linksys).

Only browser stops working after strange events?internet

try using separate ports for each computer. You would do this under your wireless setting. Im not familiar with belkin, I use linksys and im able to control each of my computers to use different ports.

You gaming is causing the other computers to slow or pause because they all share the same port. Go through your user manual for your router or download a manual online. It should show you how to use different ports.

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