Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Which cheapest GPRS Internet ?

Hi, I need to have a second connection to Internet because sometimes my internet connection its being intrerupted. So I'm looking to connect the mobile phone to my laptop and being so connected.

I mention that I dont want an (expensive) extras. Its just about temporarly. So which mobile network offer cheapest internet connection through GPRS ?

P.S. I know t-mobile with unlimited internet but "To ensure a high quality of service for all our customers, they are not to be used for other activities such as (but not limited to): modem access for computers, internet based video/audio streaming services, peer to peer file sharing, internet based video download and internet based telephony. If such use is detected, notice may be given, after which network protection controls may be applied which will result in a reduced speed of transmission."

Which cheapest GPRS Internet ?antivirus scan

Check out all the network providers websites - you'll always find somewhere within the terms and conditions there will be a fair usage policy and also as you already mentioned monitoring use.

Orange offer unlimited browsing as well but we also have the same terms about modem access and stuff. Haven't heard about anyone allowing this as with it using the GPRS system, it can 'clog' up the bandwidth used and could result in a slower connection (although i've never seen this happening).

Which cheapest GPRS Internet ?computer security

Try vodaphone, we use this at work for our drivers, who use mobile workers, its great and its cheaper than BT or T Mobile

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